Saturday, March
21, 2009
10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Lake Seminole Park
Seminole Fl 33777
Shelter No. 8
Over 100 Kenoshans
gathered for the 2009 Kenosha Day Picnic on a sunny 80-degree day in West Central Florida
at Seminole Park. We all enjoyed burgers and brats and plenty of homemade
salads and desserts, plus a 50/50 raffle and bingo games.
Bernice Dow & Ruth Moore
Sue Holt, Pat Meeker & Joan Ogle
Cherie Ketchum & Freida Greco
Gene Ketchum & Larry Greco
Frank & Gail Negri
Marilyn Murphy, Ursula Metallo &
Barbara Crow Vincent
Audrey Horton & Sue Holt
Bob Ogle & Gail Jackson
Bernice Dow & Tom Hansen
Rex Blake & Bill Kelly
Marilyn Murphy & Bernice Dow
Ruth Moore, Martha Kreuser & Audrey
Marilyn Murphy, Bernice Dow &
Barbara Crow Vincent
Jim Ventura & Trish Desotell
Irma & Paul Ferraro and Pat & Jack